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Rename by Multiple Examples (Operator Toolbox)


This operator renames the attributes of an ExampleSet by assigning the concatenated values of multiple specified examples as new attribute names and deleting those examples from the ExampleSet. The respective example values used for renaming are concatenated with the chosen fill characters.


The Rename by Multiple Examples operator builds new attribute names by concatenating the respective example values of the specified examples of the ExampleSet, where the example value is followed by the specified fill characters. The examples for renaming the attributes parameters specify which row should be used as attribute names. If this way duplicate names are created, the operator appends an enumerating postfix ''_{2-n}''. If the fill character is not needed, please set this parameter to ''NO_FILL'' which is also the default. Note that all regular and special attributes are renamed. Moreover, the specified examples are deleted from the ExampleSet.

The Rename by Multiple Examples operator uses the Guess Types operator after deleting the specified examples. For example, if you have an attribute which is of nominal type before renaming, it can change to be of numerical type after deleting the specified examples. The operator has no effect on the attribute role.


  • input (Data Table)

    This input port expects an ExampleSet.


  • output (Data Table)

    The ExampleSet with renamed attributes is output of this port. The attribute types can change. Please note that the meta data is not available after this operation. You can use 'Synchronize Meta Data with Real Data' in the process option or store it as ExampleSet for further use.


  • append_original_attribute_names If this parameter is set, the original attribute name is appended to the original name within brackets ''()''. Range:
  • handle_missings If this parameter is set missing values are handled as follows: If all example values for renaming one attribute are missing values, the operator generates a new enumerated attribute name. If some example values for renaming one attribute are missing values, the operator uses the non-missing value and the separators for renaming. Range:
  • examples_for_renaming_the_attributes This is the list of examples, given by their row numbers, and fill characters used for renaming in respective order. Range:
  • decimal_point_character The character specified by this parameter is used as the decimal character. Range:
  • number_grouping_character The character specified by this parameter is used as the grouping character. This character is used for grouping the numbers. If this character is found between numbers, the numbers are combined and this character is ignored. For example if ''22-14'' is present in the ExampleSet and ''-'' is set as the number grouping character, then the number will be considered to be ''2214''. Range:

Tutorial Processes

Renaming by multiple examples

This tutorial process uses the Rename by Multiple Examples Operator to rename the attributes of an ExampleSet by several specific examples. The ExampleSet is created by the Create ExampleSet Operator with the generator type 'comma_separated_text' to generate a new ExampleSet.